So what is it?
We believe CrossFit is the perfect balance of conditioning and strength. We focus on cardio, gymnastics and weightlifting elements. We program workouts with short and long-time domains; light and heavy loads; small and big rep schemes. CrossFit has changed the game when it comes to working out. The modern day era of changing everyday humans into athletes.
I am a bit nervous to start!
The magic is in the movement. CrossFit workouts are different every day. The workouts can be adapted for people of any age or any level of fitness and can be modified to help each athlete achieve their goals.
CrossFit is about functional movement - whether that is simple body-weight or free-weight movements. It's about moving well, moving consistently and most importantly, enjoying it.
CrossFit workouts can be adjusted, scaled or modified to fit everyone's needs. You decide how hard you want to push yourself on the day and we will encourage you to ensure you reach your goals.
Why The WorkShop?
Our goal for The WorkShop CrossFit is to build a “Third Place” for our members.
People have their home, their work, but many crave a "third place". The third place will become obvious to you when you become a member of The Workshop.
Our aim is to build a community of like minded people, all here to support and help each other achieve their fitness goals. We intend to build a community that is diverse and inclusive, where, regardless of your fitness ability or social status, you are treated just the same as everyone else on your fitness journey.
We pride ourselves on our programming. It will push you to improve everyday but not leave you so bashed up that you can’t train everyday. We love the mental challenge of a workout - one that, at the start, seems impossible but by the end we realise we have overcome the challenge.
I love seeing people meet this challenge head on and not shy away from it. It inspires me everyday.
CrossFit is for anyone but it’s not for everyone.
Ready to get started?
Visit our 'Start your Journey' page and follow our simple steps
Still have more questions?
Have a look at our FAQs section below
Is CrossFit safe?Yes. CrossFit training is very safe, and sitting on your couch is actually incredibly dangerous. In CrossFit boxes, credentialed trainers provide precise instructions and coaching to help people move safely and efficiently, helping people avoid all the diseases that come from inactivity, obesity and poor nutrition.
Is CrossFit for me?Yes. Everyone can do CrossFit regardless of age, injuries and current fitness levels. The program is modified for each person to help him or her safely become healthier and fitter. Grandparents and Olympians can perform modified versions of the same general workout.
Do I need to be in shape to start CrossFit?No. CrossFit is the program that will get you in shape. No matter what your current fitness level is, you can start CrossFit. As you become fitter, workouts will become more challenging. Every workout is designed to help you succeed, improve fitness and move you toward your goals.
How will I get fitter with CrossFit?CrossFit improves general physical preparedness (GPP). We have designed our program to elicit as broad an adaptational response as possible. CrossFit is not a specialized fitness program but a deliberate attempt to optimize physical competence in each of 10 fitness domains: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. CrossFit was developed to enhance an individual’s competency at all physical tasks. People who do CrossFit are prepared for all challenges, whether they come in the gym, on a playing field or as part of daily life.
How will CrossFit affect my health?CrossFit holds a uniquely elegant solution to the greatest problem facing the world today: chronic disease. The CrossFit program—constantly varied high-intensity functional movement coupled with meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar—can give you a pass on chronic disease. If you are not sick, know that fitness provides a great margin of protection against the ravages of time and disease. Fitness is and should be “super-wellness.” To improve or preserve your health, do CrossFit.
What is a 'WOD'?WOD, or Workout Of the Day, is the main body of work to be completed at the box during a CrossFit class. When you arrive at your box, the Workout of the Day, or WOD, is usually written on a whiteboard for everyone to see, along with any warm up, mobility, core or skill work.
What's the difference between 'RX' and 'Scaled'?RX means as prescribed. Doing a workout “RX” means the athlete did the prescribed number of reps at the prescribed weight, inside the time cap (if any). Unless you are an experienced athlete, doing a workout Rx is often extremely challenging. Scaling a workout means the athlete adjusted the movements, weights or repetitions to accommodate his skills, abilities and strength. The magic of CrossFit is that it is challenging, but infinitely scalable. Most new athletes can’t RX most of the workouts, but “scaling” is not only acceptable, but preferred
Is the WOD enough? Should I do more?The WOD is a starting point, and each person will need to experiment to determine what “enough” means. Experienced athletes with specific competition goals might need additional work to improve their fitness, while beginners might need to reduce the volume of the WOD to optimize results. The exact amount of work can be determined with the assistance of an expert coach at a CrossFit affiliate or by carefully logging your workouts and evaluating the results. The demands of sport and active living will affect what you can do in each WOD, and you will need to balance your work/rest cycles to allow for recovery. In general, if you only do each day’s WOD, you will find yourself at an improved level of fitness.
What if I can't do something programmed in the WOD?All CrossFit workouts can be modified for people of any age and ability. Adjusting a workout for a specific person is called “scaling,” and it allows very experienced athletes and beginners to train side by side. A skilled CrossFit Trainer can quickly adjust each workout to reflect your needs, goals and current abilities. If you are doing CrossFit.com WODs on your own, review the “CrossFit Level 1 Training Guide” for scaling instructions. The CrossFit Journal also contains resources to help you scale the workout to your level. In general, choose a load that’s manageable for you or use a percentage of the weight prescribed. Replace movements you can’t do with similar movements that are available to you. For example, push-ups can become knee push-ups as you build the strength required for the full movement. In every workout, strive for consistent mechanics before adding weight or increasing the load.
Do I need to evaluate my diet?Not necessarily but CrossFit is both an exercise and nutrition program, and if you do not address nutrition, you are missing the foundation of fitness. You cannot out-exercise a bad diet. To reap the full rewards of the CrossFit program, work out regularly and optimize your nutrition.
What is CrossFit's dietary recommendation?Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. These two sentences capture a nutritional approach that, when applied with our workouts, yields incredible health and fitness. By combining the potent training stimulus of constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity with a sound diet of whole, unprocessed foods eaten in the proper amounts, the results are nothing short of life changing. To truly optimize health and fitness, you have to pay attention to what you eat and how much you eat. That starts with choosing high-quality, unprocessed foods and weighing, measuring, and recording your intake. We suggest doing that for at least 30 days. At the end of the first 30 days, you should assess your results — i.e., How are your health markers such as body composition, resting heart rate, and blood pressure (among others)? How are your workout scores trending? How do you feel? If needed, you can then adjust what and how much you are eating for best results. This type of measured, systematic self-observation driven by real results will be the best guide as to whether you should change any of your eating habits or implement any new diet strategies. Overall, diet needs to be customized to each individual based on their physiological response, goals, and other lifestyle factors. The best way to optimize your diet for your specific needs is by carefully tracking inputs (the food you eat) and outputs (workout results and health markers).
How can I start learning about nutrition?You can start by reviewing the nutrition category in the CrossFit Journal, and visit CrossFit.com for regular nutrition content. If you’d like to learn more, including how to customize our nutrition recommendation specifically for you and your goals, take our Nutrition I Course. This course teaches the foundation of CrossFit’s nutrition philosophy and recommendations and takes a deep dive into every aspect of nutrition, including information on chronic disease, insulin resistance, critical health markers, food quality and quantity, tactics to make implementation easy, supplements, and more. The course offers ways to implement our nutritional recommendations whether you have no dietary restrictions, have significant food allergies, or are vegetarian or vegan.
Glossary of CrossFit TermsBOX A CrossFit box is simply, a CrossFit gym. It’s a dedicated, affiliated box that has all the appropriate equipment necessary to perform WODs. As an outsider, it might look like an “empty” gym because it doesn’t have all the bells, whistles and bicep curls machine you’d expect from a gym. AMRAP AMRAP, or As Many Rounds/Repetitions as Possible, is a workout structure where you have a set amount of time to do as many repetitions or rounds of the prescribed exercises as you can. A good example of an AMRAP is Cindy, a benchmark workout. Cindy is As Many Repetitions as Possible in 20″ of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and 15 air squats, performed at high intensity. Most AMRAP routines are around twenty minutes long, but you will come across some set at 10, 15, 30 minutes or other variations of length for the workout. EMOM EMOM, or Every Minute on Minute, is a workout structure where you have to perform a set of prescribed exercises every minute, while the clock is running. In other words, you have to perform a specific task every time the clock hits :00. RFT RFT: Acronym for “rounds for time.” This is a time-based workout with a set of goals. You are assigned a series of movements to perform as quickly as possible. Rounds for Time, or RFT, is a workout structure where you have to complete X rounds of a prescribed set of exercises as fast as you can. In this case, the athlete does the prescribed reps/rounds/movements until they have finished or the cap time runs out and the workout stops. REPS Reps or Repetitions - The number times a movement is to be performed/repeated at a time. SETS The number of times you will perform the indicated number of reps. TABATA Tabata is a High Intensity Interval Training methodology that consists in working out at maximum intensity for twenty seconds, resting for ten and repeating that for a total of eight rounds. Work out hard for 20 seconds Rest for 10 seconds Complete 8 rounds Tabata was was discovered by a team of Japanese researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, who demonstrated that this style of training has a fantastic impact in aerobic and anaerobic capacity. In CrossFit, Tabata is often used as a warmup, but it can also be programmed as the main WOD. TIME CAP Time Cap is the maximum time you have to perform a prescribed set of exercises. It’s usually related to a Rounds for Time workout. CHIPPER A workout format that must be completed in linear fashion from start to finish. Chippers are usually for time, but there are no “rounds”. Simply start at the top, and stop once everything is completed. RM RM, rep max, or repetition maximum refers to the maximum weight you can lift in a certain movement, for the prescribed number of repetitions. For instance, a 1RM Snatch, or one repetition maximum of snatch is the maximum weight you can snatch one time. In CrossFit, it’s common to see 3RM, or three repetition maximums as well, which means the maximum weight you could lift three times, unbroken. PR In CrossFit, PR stands for Personal Record. This can refer to a maximum weight you’ve been able to lift, a benchmark workout you’ve finished faster than ever before or a maximum number of unbroken repetitions of a specific movement. DOMS DOMS, or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, is a distinctive muscle pains that start around a day or two after someone performs intense or unfamiliar exercise. Usually, there’s a 24 hour delay between a workout and the start of the pain, or “muscle fever”. It peaks 48 hours after said exercise, and can last for a couple more days. It’s not something strictly related to CrossFit. You can get DOMS by doing almsot anything – biking, rowing, playing soccer. But due to the intensity with which CrossFit is performed, you’ll get familiar with it pretty soon. BW BW stands for bodyweight, and in CrossFit, it’s often used to prescribe weights in a workout. For example, Otis, a hero WOD, calls for the weight to be measured in body weight. ASS TO GRASS Ass to grass refers to getting your butt as low as possible (to grass) when performing any kind of squat. The goal is to obtain strength through the whole range of motion. COUPLET A couplet is a workout structure that pairs two functional movements—in most cases, belonging to different modalities like weightlifting, gymnastics or cardio, and training different muscle groups. By targeting different modalities and muscle groups, a couplet allows one area to “rest” for the while the other movement is performed. TRIPLET A triplet is a workout structure that pairs three functional movements. As in a couplet, these exercises should be complementary. A common triplet might consist of one weightlifting exercise, one gymnastics movement and one cardio movement. 21-15-9 21-15-9 is a popular repetition scheme in CrossFit. The athlete needs to perform 21 reps of the prescribed workout, then 15 reps and finally, 9 reps, for a total of 45 reps of each exercise. The score is the time it took you to complete the workout. CLEAN The clean starts with the barbell on the ground, just like a deadlift, and ends when the barbell is resting in the front rack position, and the athlete is standing up. POWER CLEAN The power clean, or PC, is like a regular clean but requires the athlete to receive the bar in the power position – a slight dip that doesn’t break the legs parallel. PUSH JERK The push jerk, or PJ, is an overhead movement that requires the athlete to start with the barbell in the front rack, and finish the movement receiving overhead with straight arms. PUSH PRESS The push press is another overhead movement that requires you to start with the bear in the front rack, slightly flex the hips and knees, keeping torso erect, to reach a dip position and immediately drive the bar directly above your head until your arms are straight. SDHP SDHP, or Sumo Deadlift High Pull requires a narrow grip on the bar and your feet more than shoulder width apart. Then, lift the bar to the middle of your chest. STOH In a workout, STOH or Shoulder to Overhead calls for any movement that start with the back in the front rack position, and ends with a full extension overhead. The strict press, the push press and the push jerk are the more common options. THRUSTER Starting with your barbell in the front rack position, you will do a full front squat and then come to full extension while pushing the bar overhead. CLUSTER A combination of a CLEAN and a TRHUSTER. The cluster starts with the barbell on the ground - perform the CLEAN so the athlete is standing tall with the barbell is in the front rack position and then come to full extension while pushing the bar overhead. FRONT SQUAT The FS, or Front Squat requires completing a full squat with the barbell in the front rack position. SNATCH The snatch is an Olympic lifting movement that requires to lift the barbell from the ground to overhead in one continuous motion. MUSCLE-UP MU, or muscle-up is an upper-body exercise performed in the rings that requires you to combine a pull and a dip. BAR MUSCLE UP, OR BMU The BMU, or bar muscle-up is like the aforementioned muscle up, but instead of performing it in a set of gymnastic rings, you do it in the regular pull-up bar. The movement beings from the floor, hanging from the pull-up bar, and ends with the athlete over the bar, and the arms fully locked. HSPU A handstand push up, or more properly, a kipping handstand push up is a dynamic movement that requires you to explode your hips up while pushing upside down, into a handstand. A kipping handstand push-ups will allow you to get in way more volume than the strict version does. T2B Toes To Bar - This movement requires the athlete to start with hang from the bar and lift their toes to touch the bar using your core muscles. You may also kip this movement as shown below. PISTOLS Pistols, or single-leg squats, requires the athlete to perform a squat with a single, alternating leg. alternating them. C2B C2B, or chest-to-bar pullup is just like a regular pullup, but your chest much touch the bar for the rep to count. RING DIPS A ring dip is performed by holding yourself up on gymnastic rings and then dipping, or bringing your shoulders to your hands. WALL BALLS WB or Wall Balls are a common CrossFit movement that seem friendly but will tax your legs and lungs. The exercise requires the athlete to hold a med ball with their hands, squat down and go back up while throwing the ball at a target. ROPE CLIMB As the name describes it, the rope climb requires climbing a rope, like you did in high school. The length of the rope varies from gym to gym. BOX JUMPS Box jumps are a common CrossFit movement that requires to jump onto a box with both feet, fully extend your hips and come down. BOX JUMP OVERS The box jump over requires the athlete to jump on top of the box, and come down on the other side. Full extension at the top is not required. BURPEE BOX JUMPS Start with a burpee, then jump onto the box and down for a full rep. DOUBLE UNDERS DUs, also known as Double unders are like a regular jump rope, but swinging the ropes two times for every jump.
Famous CrossFit WorkoutsTHE GIRLS The Girls are a special group of CrossFit benchmark workouts named after women trailblazing in CrossFit. The original CrossFit Girls, introduced in September 2003, were Angie, Barbara, Chelsea, Diane, Elizabeth, and Fran. Helen and Grace were introduced a few months later. Here are just a few of our favourites here at The Workshop: ANGIE For time: 100 pull-ups 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups 100 squats CHELSEA 30 minutes EMOM: 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats CINDY 20-minute AMRAP of: 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats ELIZABETH 21-15-9 reps for time of: 135-lb / 60kg cleans Ring dips FRAN (Also a Hero WOD - see below) 21-15-9 reps for time of: 95-lb / 45kg thruster Pull-ups ISABEL 30 reps for time: 135 lb / 60kg snatch GRACE 30 reps for time of: 135-lb / 60kg clean and jerks KAREN For time: 150 wall-ball shots (20lb / 9kg ball) MARY AMRAMP in 20 minutes: 5 handstand push-ups 10 pistol squats (alternating) 15 pull-ups ANNIE 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time: Double-unders Sit-ups MAGGIE 5 rounds for time: 20 handstand push-ups 40 pull-ups 60 pistol squats (alternating) AMANDA 9-7-5 reps for time: Muscle-ups 135lb / 60kg squat snatches LYNNE 5 rounds for max reps of: Bodyweight bench presses Pull-ups CANDY 5 rounds for time: 20 pull-ups 40 push-ups 60 squats NICOLE AMRAP in 20 minutes: Run 400 metres Max-rep pull-ups NANCY 5 rounds for time: 400-metre run 95lb / 45kg overhead squats (15 reps) THE HEROES The Heroes are a special group of CrossFit benchmark workouts. They were created in honour of a fallen soldier, normally Americans. As a result, they are intended to be performed with intense effort. There are many, many Hero WODS but here are a few of our favourites here at The Workshop: MURPH The most well-known hero workout is Murph, In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005. “MURPH” – FOR TIME 1 mile Run 100 pull ups 200 push ups 300 air squats 1 mile Run Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a 20lb / 10kg vest or body armour, wear it. FRAN Fran is a short, intense couplet of Thrusters and Pull ups in a 21-15-9 format. For men, the weight is 95lbs / 45kg, while for women is 65lbs / 30kg 21-15-9 of: Thrusters Pull ups To break it down: 21 thrusters, 21 pull ups 15 thrusters, 15 pull ups 9 thrusters, 9 pull ups It’s one of CrossFit most famous benchmark workouts, and part of The Girls. Professional athletes can do Fran as prescribed in around 2 minutes, while an everyday athlete should be able to perform Fran in around 5 or 6 minutes. 10:00+ Beginner 10:00-4:30 Intermediate 4:30 – 3:00 Advanced 3:00 or less Elite FIGHT GONE BAD Fight Gone Bad is a benchmark WOD that tries to simulate the time structure of an MMA fight – 5 minutes on, 1 minute rest. “FIGHT GONE BAD” – 5 ROUNDS Wallball Shots Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75lb/35kg for men - 45lbs/20kg for women) Box jump Push Press (75lb/35kg for men - 45lbs/20kg for women) Calories in row Move from each station after a minute. Rest one minute after completing the rounds. Repeat five times. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises, and the score is the total number of reps (and calories) performed. DT Five rounds for time of: 155lb / 70kg Deadlift, 12 reps 155lb / 70kg Hang power clean, 9 reps 155lb / 70kg Push jerk, 6 reps BERT For time: 50 burpees 400-m run 100 push-ups 400-m run 150 walking lunges 400-m run 200 squats 400-m run 150 walking lunges 400-m run 100 push-ups 400-m run 50 burpees WADE For time, wearing a 20lb / 10kg vest or body armour: Run 1,200 meters Then, 4 rounds of: 12 strict pull-ups 9 strict dips 6 strict handstand push-ups Then, run 1,200 meters ZIMMERMAN Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of: 11 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 2 Deadlifts, 315lb / 145kg 10 Handstand push-ups THE DON For time: 66 Deadlifts, 110lb / 50kg 66 Box jump, 24 inch box 66 Kettlebell swings 66 Knees to elbows 66 Sit-ups 66 Pull-ups 66 Thrusters, 55lb / 25kg 66 Wall ball shots, 20lb / 9kg ball 66 Burpees 66 Double-unders BIG SEXY 5 rounds for time of: 6 deadlifts, 315lb / 145kg 6 burpees 5 cleans, 225lb / 100kg 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups 4 thrusters, 155lb / 70kg 4 muscle-ups